Welcome to the Arizona Science Center

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A Journey of Discovery 

Arizona Science Center invests in the future by engaging teens who have a passion for STEM. Whether by mentoring students interested in pursuing a professional path or introducing kids to new STEM innovations during summer camp, the Science Center builds the foundation for the next generation of science and technology inventors and leaders.

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Teen Events

Events for Teens, By Teens

Hosted by Arizona Science Center’s Teen Advisory Board, the teen events at the Center cater to students ages 13 and older with a curiosity for science, technology, engineering and math. Events range from in-person camps to virtual workshops and touch on a variety of STEM-inspired topics relevant to the teenage experience.

Interested in inspiring the next generation of innovators and scientists by being a panelist at an upcoming Panel Professionals event? Fill out this brief form!


More event dates coming soon! 


Teen Advisory Board
Teen Advisory Board

High school students ages 15 and older work with the Science Center’s leadership team and local organizations to develop, test and implement new content, programs and exhibits.


Teens 15 and older participate in volunteer projects, such as leading activities in the Science Center or prepping science kits for schools around Arizona—even getting a chance to earn service-learning credits.


Students join 5-day camps on a variety of STEM education topics from June–July. 


Financing College

A virtual workshop with tips on how to pay for higher education. Hosted by experts, moderated by Teen Advisory Board members.

College Admissions

A virtual workshop that goes behind-the-scenes with university experts on applying for, and getting accepted into, college.

Finding the Right Fit

A virtual workshop that helps high school students weight the pros and cons of which college is best suited to them.


Our New Audience Experiences Unit can answer all your questions about Arizona Science Center's teen offerings. Contact them at 602.716.2000 ext. 326 or email Elizabeth Garcia-Martinez at elizabeth.garcia@azscience.org

It’s so much better to visit Arizona Science Center as a teenager because you’re older and you can actually start to grasp the science at play.

Clayton Kingsley - Teen Advisory Board member

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An Event for Every Interest

Any questions about teen offerings? Contact us at teenadvisory@azscience.org.

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